UNM Optical Science & Engineering Alumni List

Academic PeriodNameDegreeThesis/Dissertation Title
Fall 2024Lee, HosukMSHelmholtz reciprocity in bidirectional Y-junction couplers
Fall 2024Mosavian, NazaninPhDSuper-resolution magnetic microscopy and Earth's field magnetometry with Color Centers in Diamond
Fall 2024Hutchins-Delgado, TroyPhDDelgado on Ge/SiGe quantum wells: material for the post-Moore era
Fall 2024Liu, YankangMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2024Kazemi Nasaban Shotorban, AliMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2024Ahmed, HasanPhDPredictive Modeling of Electro-optic Modulators Under Electromagnetic Interference
Fall 2024Shock, StephenMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2024Jeronimo Perez, AmilcarMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2024Parker, MeaganMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2024Frost, MegaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2024Nuzhat, SamihaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2024Zhang, MingyangPhDExploration of Semiconductor Gain Medium, Resonator, Pump, and Frequency Stabilization for Laser Guide Star Applications
Summer 2024Nazib, SamiPhDFabrication and characterization of a monolithic photonic integrated circuit with high aspect ratio photonic device structures
Summer 2024Bosomtwi, DominicPhDOptical Responses of Hybrid Electromagnetic Nanostructures
Summer 2024White, JohnathanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2024Ince, FaithPHDMBE Growth of Sb based alloys using interfacial misfit arrays for MWIR devices
Fall 2023Li, XuefengPHDCarrier Dynamics in Green III-Nitride LEDs Using Small-Signal Electroluminescence
Fall 2023Dibaji Foroushani, Sayed HassanPHDVolumetric Imaging Using the Pupil-Matched Remote Focusing Technique in Light-Sheet Microscopy
Summer 2023Shifat, Abu Shami Md Zadid MSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2023Rastegari, AliPHDFilaments and their application to air lasing, spectroscopy, and guided discharge
Summer 2023Hubert, ForrestPHDSuper-Resolution Microscopy with Color Centers in Diamond
Summer 2023Carano, SamuelMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2023Topper, BrianPHDHigh-power laser cooling and temperature-dependent fluorescence studies of ytterbium doped silica
Spring 2023Janssen, TateMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2023Silani, YaserPHDFemtotesla Magnetometry and Nanoscale Imaging with Color Centers in Diamond
Spring 2023Gharde, Shruti IshwarchandraMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2023Seth, SubhashreeMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2023Porter, StephenMSDual Degree Non-Thesis
Spring 2023McGraw, DuncanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2022Redhouse, ThealaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2022Giannini-Hutchin, NathanPHDInvestigation of GaAs Double Heterostructures for Photonic Heat Engines
Fall 2022Bassett, CodyPHDInvestigation of Laser and Nonlinear Properties of Anderson Localizing Optical Fibers
Fall 2022Ahmed, AlhassanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2022Benally, DarrylMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2022Koul, KartikMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2022Kock, JacksonMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2022Zhu, XiaobingMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2022Ahmed, HasanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2022Kaleb, CampbellPHDAtomic Gradiometry Based on the Interference of Microwave Optical Sidebands
Summer 2022Xuemei, WangPHDIntegrated Grating couplers on-a-chip: characterizations and applications
Summer 2022Daniel, ParraMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2022Farnood, MirkhosraviPHDGamma and Neutron Irradiation Impacts on Ga-polar and N-polar GaN based diodes
Spring 2022Hatem, BabaaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2022Cody, BassettMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2022Elizabeth, DeJongMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2022Fatih, InceMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2022Sami, NajibMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2022Trevor, RubinMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2022Lala, RukhMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2022James, WymerMS
Ultrashort Pulse Laser Filamentation Electrical and Optical Diagnostic Comparison (Project
Spring 2022Luke, HorstmanPHDIntracavity Phase Interferometry Based Fiber Sensors
Spring 2022Brian, KamerPHDUltrafast spectroscopy: Filament Pumped Nitrogen
Spring 2022Amir,Khabbazi OskoueiPHDDesign and Characterization of Efficient Frequency Tripling Mirrors in Sub-100 Femtosecond
Spring 2022Benjamin, OlikerPHDExamination of Ionization in Cesium Diode Pumped Alkali Lasers with an Ion Chamber
Spring 2022Vineeth, SasidharanPHDInterferometric Lithography- An approach to large area and cost effective nanopatterning
Fall 2020Hsu, NingPHDUltrashort Pulses and Frequency Combs: Characterizations, Manipulations, and Applications
Summer 2020Mobini Souchelmaei, EsmaeilPHDRadiation-Balanced Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers
Summer 2020Afkhamiardakani, HaniehPHDGeneration of Correlated Dual Frequency Combs with PM Fiber Lasers for High-Precision Metrology
Summer 2020Roshanzadeh, BehshadPHDDevelopment and Demonstration of a Pico-Watt Calorimeter for Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
Spring 2020Huang, KePHDInteraction of Optomechanical Cavities with Acoustic Waves and Oscillators
Spring 2020Smalley, JattettMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2020Deterding, JustinMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2020Dibaji Foroushani, Sayed HassanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2020Karimi, VahidMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2020Mosavian, NazaninMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2020Mirkhosravi, FarnoodMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2020Hubert, ForrestMSApplications of Negatively Charged Silicon Vacancy Color Center in Diamond
Spring 2020Meng, JunweiPHDThe Development of All Solid-State Optical Cryo-cooler
Spring 2020Bingham, SamuelMSMS Internship Project
Spring 2020Rostami, SaeidPHDMid-IR Optical Refrigeration and Radiation Balanced Lasers
Fall 2019Magana, ContrerasMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2019Nazhadbadeh, ShimaPHDIntegrated Chirped-Grating Spectrometer on-a-Chip
Fall 2019Hendrie, JamesPHDTailored Frequency Comb Structures and Their Sensing Applications
Fall 2019Wang, Chih FengPHDNear-Field and Far-Field Microscopic and Spectroscopic Characterizations of Coupled Plasmonic, Excitonic and Polymeric Materials
Summer 2019Mansoori, AhmadPHDReducing threading dislocations in GaSb epilayer grown on GaAs substrate for photovoltaic and thermophotovoltaic applications
Spring 2019Valdes, David A.MSGeneration and Use of Femtosecond, Gigawatt, Near-Infrared Laser Pulses From an Amplified Mode-Locked, Ti-Sapphire
Spring 2019Campbell, Kaleb L.MSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2019Hutchins-Delgado, Troy A.MSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2019Li, XuefengMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2019Bosomtwi, DominicMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2019Lin, ShenMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2019Behzadirad, MahmoudPHDMultifunctional Properties of GaN NWs applied to Nanometrology, photonics and Scanning Probe Microscopy/Lithography
Spring 2019Hossain, Md MottalebPHDAlgorithm Multi-Color CMOS Avalanche Photodiodes for Smart-Lighting Applications
Spring 2019Abaie, BehnamPHDTransverse Anderson localizing optical fibers for high-quality wave transmission and novel lasing applications
Spring 2019Haq, SharminPHDSub-nanometer coupling distance control and plasmon enhanced carrier generation and dynamics in lll-V semiconductor heterostructures
Fall 2018Nakagawa, KirtMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2018Radosevich, CameronMSDual wavefront sensing design for supersonic wind tunnel experiments
Fall 2018Horstman, LukeMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2018Taghipour, ZahraPHDCharacterization of transport properties in an InAs/GaSb nBp photodetector through a variety of technique
Fall 2018Ren, ZhixiangPHDImprove the Low Energy Sensitivity of the HAWC Observatory
Fall 2018Rashidi, ArmanPHDCarrier Dynamics in High-Speed lll-nitride Light-Emitting Diodes for Visible-Light Communication
Fall 2018Peysokhan, MostafaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2018Farzam, FarzinPHDAutomated High-throughput Multi Target Super-resolution Microscopy
Summer 2018Behzadi, BehsanPHDNovel Compact Narrow-linewidth Mid-Infrared Lasers for Sensing Applications
Spring 2018Ghasemkhani, MohammadrezaPHDIncreasing the pump power absorption in optical refrigeration of solids and photo-acoustic spectroscopy of trace gases using optical cavities
Spring 2018Lin, ShenMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2018Meng, JunweiMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2018Pourbeyram Kaleibar, HamedPHDNovel Nonlinear and Quantum Devices Based on Multimode Optical Fibers
Spring 2018Tu, Wei ChungMSDesign and development of confocal microscope combining Raman Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscope - Internship Project MS
Spring 2018Faria Briceno, JuanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2017Gragossian, AramPHD Synchronous generation and coherent control of extreme wavelength radiation and ultrafast spectroscopy
Fall 2017Davico, KennethMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2017Silani, YaserMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2017Nami, MohsenPHDNanowire-based light-emitting diodes:
a new path towards
high-speed visible light communication
Fall 2017Mitul, Abu FarzanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2017Xu, YejiaPHDSpatio-temporally resolved optical laser-induced damage to study defect limited performance of optical films
Summer 2017Rashidi, ArmanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2017Jamil, ErumPHDAnalytical modeling and characterization for avalanche photodiodes
Summer 2017Huang, KeMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2017Sasidharan, VineethMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2017Rasoulof, MohammadaminPHDAniosotropy & Emission from Air with Laser Filaments
Spring 2017Lin, ShenMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2017Farzam, FarzinMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2017Beygi Azar Aghbolagh, FarzinMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2017Khabbazi Oskouei, AmirMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2016Zhu, RuichaoPHD 
Scatterometry of 50 nm half pitch features
Fall 2016Ruane, BryanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2016Fazel, MohamadrezaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2016Yang, ZhouPHD 

Novel concepts in semiconductor disk lasers
Fall 2016Hackett, ShawnPHD 

High Power Optically Pumped Semiconductor Lasers for Sodium Guidestar Applications
Spring 2016Behzadirad, MahmoudMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2016Rostami, SherminehPHD 

Polarization characterization of nonlinear laser propagation
Spring 2016Kazemi, AlirezaPHD 

Investigation of Charge Transport in Nano-patterned and Hybrid Graphene Field Effect Transistors
Spring 2016Hsu, NingMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2016Dahiya, VintaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2016Ren, ZhixiangMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2016Mobini Souchelmaei, EsmaeilMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2016Behzadi, BehsanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2016Li, Chia-YehPHD 

Ultrafast Broadband Terahertz Spectroscopy
Spring 2016Li, ChangyiPHD 

Top-down Cross-Section Controlled III-Nitride Nanowire Lasers
Spring 2016Feng, ChengyongPHD 

Sub-nanosecond UV filaments and their applications for remote spectroscopy and high-voltage discharges
Fall 2015Afkhamiardakani, HaniehMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2015Knobel, KimberlyMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2015Chu, Fei HungPHD 

Simulation of strongly injection-locked semiconductor ring lasers
Fall 2015Rastegari, AliMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2015Abaie, BehnamMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2015Rostami, SaeidMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2015Jamil, ErumMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2015Chaudhuri, AnabilMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2015Taghipour, ZahraMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2015Wang, ChengoaPHDPrecise Characterization and Investigation of Laser Cooling in III-V Compound Semiconductors
Summer 2015Hossain, Md MottalebMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2015Jiang, ZengmingMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2015Xu, YejiaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2015Zhu, RuichaoMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2015Hendrie, JamesMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2015Chu, Fei HungMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2015Sun, ZhanliangPHD 

Pulsed laser induced breakdown in solid state materials and air
Spring 2015Kumar, RakeshPHDThree-Dimensional Imaging using a Novel Rotating Point Spread Function Imager
Spring 2015Wang, Chih FengMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2015Mansoori, AhmadMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2015Giannini, NathanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2015Nezhadbadeh, ShimaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2014Kazemi, AlirezaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2014Alaie, SeyedhamidrezaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2014Vergien, ChristopherPHDInvestigation of Single-Frequency High Power Raman Fiber Amplifier for Guide Star Application
Fall 2014Shen, FengMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2014Wang, YiMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2014Liu, ShengPHDDevelopment of Optical Systems and Imaging Analyses for Hyperspectral Microscopy and 3D Super-Resolution Imaging.
Fall 2014Lu, ChuntePHDBeam Combining of Fiber Lasers and Vertical External Surface Emitting Lasers Using Volume Bragg Gratings
Fall 2014Murrell, DavidPHDAnalytical and experimental methods for studying novel cavity geometries in quantum dot mode locked lasers.
Summer 2014Roshanzadeh, BehshadMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2014Dacha, PreethiMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2014Masuda, KojiPHDIntracavity coherent interaction of mode-locked pulse train with resonant medium
Summer 2014He, XiangPHDOptically Pumped Type-II Mid-Infrared Tunable Distributed Feedback Lasers
Summer 2014Eller, RhettMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2014Narravula, SrikanthPHD 

Bayesian Estimators, Error Bounds, and Applications to Imaging
Spring 2014Luo, XuanPHD

Investigation of intracavity phase interferometry applied to nano-metrology
Spring 2014Yeak, Jeremy Nai JinPHDOptical Filaments and Gas Dynamics in Air
Spring 2014Xu, XiaozhenPHDHigh power UV source development and its applications 
Spring 2014Rahimi, NassimPHDDesign, Fabrication and Characterization of Epitaxial and Non-Epitaxial Thermo-Photovoltaic Cells
Fall 2013Deng, YangMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2013Neumann, AlexanderPHDImaging interferometric microscopy to the limits of available frequency space
Fall 2013Zhang, XuerongMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2013Li, ChangyiMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2013Raghunathan, RaviPHDTheoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Nonlinear Dynamical Trends of Passively Mode-Locked Quantum Dot Lasers
Summer 2013Xu, HuiwenPHDControlled Lasing in Gallium Nitride Nanowires
Summer 2013Rathi, PranavPHDOptical tweezers for biomechanical applications
Summer 2013Murrell, DavidMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2013Mercado Sotelo, EmmanuelMSLow-temperature characterization of a 1.55-µm multiple-quantum-well laser down to 10 K
Spring 2013Way, BrandynMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2013Melgaard, SethPHDCryogenic optical refrigeration:  Laser cooling of solids below 123 K
Spring 2013Rasoulof, MohammadaminMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2012Kamer, BrianMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2012Oliker, BenjaminMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2012Nami, MohsenMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2012Ghasemkhani, MohammadrezaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2012Weber, ReedPHD Nonlinear microscopy for material characterization
Summer 2012Allen, AaronMSVertical-External Cavity Seurface Emitting Lasing in the infrared
keywords: VECSEL, VCSEL, semiconductor laser, solid state laser, mode locking, laser
Summer 2012Rahimi, NassimMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2012Shirazi Hosseini Dokht, Mohammad Ali MSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2012Oberling, JasonMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2012Walter, KendrickMS"Metrology Techniques"
Spring 2012Lan, ShoufengMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2012Liu, ShengMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2011Vretenar, NatasaPHDRoom Temperature and Cryogenic Yb: YAG Thin Disk Laser: Single Crystal and Ceramic
Fall 2011Mao. ChenchenMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2011Carson, TylerMSHigh Power High Efficiency Ceramic Solid State Laser
Fall 2011Pulford, BenjaminPHDLOCSET Phase Locking: Operation, Diagnostics, and Applications
Fall 2011Luo, XuanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2011Melgaard, SethMSCryogenic optical refrigeration
Summer 2011Nelson, Douglas H.MSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2011Robin, Craig A.PHDNovel Approaches to Power Scaling of Single-Frequency Photonic Crystal Fiber Amplifiers
Spring 2011Zeringue, ClintPHDA theoretical and experimental analysis of SBS suppression through modification of amplifier seed.
Spring 2011Yang, ZhouMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2011Richey, Jeff W.MSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2011Nguyen, DuyMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2011Lin, Chang-YiPHDMicrowave techniques and applications for semiconductor quantum dot mode-locked lasers
Spring 2011Guo, ShuwenMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2011Feng, ChengyongMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2010Rathi, PranavMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2010Raghunathan, RaviMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2010Masuda, KojiMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2010Gragossian, AramMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2010Daneshbod, MehranMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2010Seletskiy, DenisPHDUltrafast Terahertz Spectroscopy of Elementary Excitations in
Summer 2010Mischuck, BrianPHDQuantum Control of Cold AtoMasters Degree
Summer 2010Sun, ZhanliangMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2010Kim, Ha SulPHDInvestigation of InAs/GaSb Superlattice based nBn Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays
Summer 2010Wang, ChengoaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2010Pulford, BenjaminMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2010Lu, ChunteMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2010Bradshaw, DouglasPHDDispersion, controlled dispersion and three applications
Spring 2010Masoud, AliMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2010Ratanavis, AmarinPHDTheoretical and experimental studies of optically pumped molecular gas laser
Spring 2010Seeley, DonaldMSAnalysis and Modeling of Phase Noise in LOCSET and the AFRL High Power Fiber Laser Amplifiers
Spring 2010Braga, Alexandre De Pinho E. PHDBidirectional Mode-locked Fiber Ringer Laser
Spring 2010Pulford, BenjaminMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2009Karasala, SatishMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2009Jilek, BrookMSSPINS:  Spectral Phase Interrogation using Nonlinear Spectra
Fall 2009Chris VergienMSNon Thesis Degree
Fall 2009Weber, ReedMSNonlinear microscopy for material characterization
Fall 2009Reyes, PabloMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2009Wendy PattersonPHDSynthesis and evaluation of rare-earth doped glass and crystals for optical refrigeration.
Summer 2009Zmuda, Michael W.PHDStimulated brillouin scattering effects and suppression techniques in high power fiber amplifiers
Summer 2009Robin, Craig A.MSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2009Xue, LiangPHDTunable high-power midwave-infrared distributed-feedback lasers
Spring 2009Mirell, Daniel J.PHDExperimental study of infrared filaments under different initial conditions
Spring 2009Liu, XuejunPHDImaging with and without time resolution using femtosecond laser pulses
Spring 2009Li, Chia-YehMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2008Tiwari, MukeshPHDQuasiparticle motion in some classical and quantum mechanical systeMasters Degree : investigations of nanoscale friction and polaron mobility
Fall 2008Bender, Daniel A.PHDPrecision optical characterization on nanometer length and femtosecond time scales
Summer 2008Wong, Ping-ShowPHDControlled growth and device implementation of InAs quantum dots on nano-patterned GaAs pyramids by MOCVD
Summer 2008Lin, Chang-YiMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2008Laghumavarapu, Ramesh BabuPHDInAs / GaAs and GaSb / GaAs quantum dot solar cells
Summer 2008Johnson, Nicholas A.MSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2008Jallipalli, AnithaPHDStructural, electrical characterization and simulation of periodic misfit dislocation arrays localized at the GaSb/GaAs interface
Summer 2008He, XiangMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2008Xu, XiaozhenMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2008Patterson, Wendy M.MSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2008Longbotham, Nathan W.MSExperimental characterization of Cr4+:YAG passively q-switched Cr:Nd:GSGG lasers and comparison with a simple rate equation model
Spring 2008Li, YanPHDTechniques for high-speed direct modulation of quantum dot lasers
Spring 2008Khoshakhlagh, ArezouMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2008Godsey, David C.MSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2007Liu, YePHDInvestigation of ultrashort OPOs as ultrasensitive optical sensors
Fall 2007Jing, XiaomoMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2007Wang, QuanMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2007Rotter, Thomas J.PHDGrowth and properties of self assembled InAs quantum dash laser active regions
Summer 2007Ratanavis, AmarinMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2007Nuntawong, NoppadonPHDStrain compensation technique in InAs/GaAs SAQD structure grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
Summer 2007Kuznetsova, Yuliya V.PHDImaging interferometric microscopy : resolution to the limit of frequency space
Summer 2007Jallipalli, AnithaMSStructural, electrical characterization and simulation of periodic misfit dislocation arrays localized at the GaSb/GaAs interface
Spring 2007Haji, AlimMSCramer-Rao bound analysis of multi-frame blind deconvolution
Spring 2007Clark, Waylon T.MSAnalysis of a laser induced plasma in high pressure SF6 gas for high-voltage, high-current switching
Spring 2007Arissian, LadanPHDDark line resonance in Rb(87) due to coherent interaction with mode-locked lasers
Fall 2006Xin, YongchunPHDQuantum dot multi-section light emitters
Fall 2006Greenberg, Melisa R.MSSynthesis and characterization of colloidal quantum dots
Summer 2006Wang, ZhipengMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2006Kumar, RakeshMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2006Green, Steven W.MSFeasibility of the use of a confocal microscope to image a human fingernail bed as means for identification
Spring 2006Xue, LiangMSTunable high-power midwave-infrared distributed-feedback lasers
Spring 2006Navarro, MarthaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2006Balakrishnan, GaneshPHDInterfacial misfit dislocation array based growth mode for demonstration of monolithically integrated optically-pumped antimonide lasers on silicon
Fall 2005Vankipuram, Venkatesh SMSToward fabrication of a nano photonic device
Fall 2005Mero, MarkPHDFemtosecond laser induced breakdown in dielectric filMasters Degree
Summer 2005Sawruk, Nicholas W.MSOptically pumped carbon monoxide cascade laser
Summer 2005Kletecka, Christopher S.MSOptically pumped mid-IR HBr cascade laser
Spring 2005Dang, Thien T.PHDTowards a compact mode locked laser gyroscope : study of a fiber ring laser and a Nd:YVO4 ring laser
Spring 2005Beckner, Charles C.MSFundamental limits to noise reduction using support constraints and regularization : a Cramer-Rao bound analysis
Fall 2004Zhu, XiushanMSAll-fiber broadband polarization transformer
Fall 2004Ukhanov, AlexanderPHDStudy of carrier-induced optical properties in III-V quantum confined laser nano-structures
Fall 2004Su, HuiPHDDynamic properties of quantum dot distributed feedback lasers
Fall 2004Donati, GiovanniPHDBandgaps and band offsets of GaSb lattice matched alloys
Summer 2004Zhang, YuleMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2004Ling, HaiMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2004Bernstein, Aaron C.PHDMeasurements of ultrashort pulses self-focusing in air
Spring 2004Massey, Steven M.MSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2004Giuggioli, Luca APHDTheory of transport in organic crystals and biological systeMasters Degree
Spring 2004Gilbert, Barbara L.MSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2003Stickford, TanyaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Fall 2003Popescu, PaulPHDSpatially- and spectrally-resolved investigations of InAs quantum dot structures
Fall 2003Meng, XianmeiPHDUltra-short pulse optical parametric oscillator sensor
Fall 2003Hirayama, ToshiyukiMSNon-Thesis Degree
Summer 2003Vretenar, NatasaMSNon-Thesis Degree
Spring 2003Pease, Edwin A.PHDMid-infrared GaInSb/AlGaInSb MQW laser grown on AlInSb metamorphic buffer layers
Spring 2003Hoyt, Chad W.PHDLaser cooling in thulium-doped solids
Fall 2002Thompson, William E.PHDSix-wave mixing theory of tilted-grating, broad area semiconductor lasers with supressed filamentation
Fall 2002Berg, Vanessa S.MSDesign and simulation of 3D-nonimaging angular transformer to improve power coupling efficiencies in a free-space optical communication system
Spring 2002Obrien, Michael J.PHDAdvancements in optics-based chemical and biosensors with array applications
Spring 2002Ackermann, MarkPHDBi-photon techniques for absolute calibration of on-orbit photon detectors
Fall 2001Phipps, Stephen P.PHDRotational relaxation in carbon monoxide
Fall 2001Jones, Ronald J.PHDHigh resolution optical frequency metrology with stabilized femtosecond lasers
Fall 2001Brilliant, Nathan A.PHDYtterbium-doped, dual-clad fiber amplifiers
Spring 2001Jasapara, JayeshPHDCharacterization of a femtosecond laser and its application to the study of breakdown in dielectric thin filMasters Degree (last name spelled Jaspara)
Spring 2001Guo, WeiPHDMultiple scattering of light from optically trapped atoMasters Degree
Spring 2001Grondalski, John P.PHDStudies of atomic motion and atomic diagnostics in optical lattices
Fall 2000Tyler, David W.PHDNoise reduction in astronomical spatial spectrum measurements
Fall 2000Rambo, Patrick K.PHDLaser-induced lightning
Fall 2000Logofatu, Petre CPHDSensitivity optimized scatterometry
Spring 2000Teehan, Russell F.PHDPower scaling and frequency stabilization of an injection-locked laser
Fall 1999Nelson, Douglas H.PHDWave optics simulation of atmospheric turbulence and reflective speckle effects in CO2 lidar
Fall 1998Scott, Joseph E.PHDNonlocal effects and spatial correlations in the transmission of stress in disordered granular media
Summer 1998Alley, Thomas G.PHDThe formation of the second-order nonlinearity in thermally poled fused silica glass 
Summer 1998Dearborn, Michael E.PHDSynchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator with intracavity difference frequence mixing
Spring 1998Ramer, Jeffrey C.PHDStability of In[subscript x]Ga[subscript 1-x]N/In[subscript y]Ga[subscript 1-y]N multiple quantum well structures during growth by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
Fall 1997Nicholson, Jeffrey W.PHDSpectroscopy and two frequency operation of a gain-switched, photolytic iodine laser 
Fall 1997Long, XiangcunPHDPhysics and device applications of linear electrooptic effect in poled amorphous silica-based materials
Summer 1997Scott, Kristin A.PHDSilicon metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors : ion-implanted high-speed near-infrared photodiodes and position-sensitive photodetectors
Spring 1997Sanchez, Darryl J.PHDResearch in imaging : minimum uncertainty relations on a finite interval, the use of analyticity in object reconstruction, noise in complex visibility estimation
Spring 1997Sandusky, John V.PHDMicrocavity effects in an external-cavity surface-emitting laser 
Spring 1997Atherton, Briggs W.PHDControl and exploitation of a mode-locked ring laser's phase : towards a better atomic clock
Summer 1995Myers, Richard A.PHDLarge second-order nonlinearity in amorphous SiO2 using temperature/electric-field poling 
Fall 1994Zou, Lian-ChengPHDSecond harmonic generation in Al(x)Ga(1-x)As thin films and multilayers 
Summer 1993Yan, ChiPHDGeneration of ultrashort optical pulses from semiconductor lasers
Summer 1992Kovanis, Vassilios I.PHDWave packet evolution in spatially restricted quantum systems
Spring 1992Kuo, Yung S.PHDThe experimental study of Brillouin enhanced four-wave mixing 
Fall 1991Dennis, Michael L.PHDNovel techniques for laser gyroscopy
Fall 1991Tang, Chen-YauPHDMultiquanta photodetachment from the H ion
Spring 1991Chern, Jyh-LongPHDNonlinear dynamics and delay-induced phenomena of a coupled optical bistable chain
Spring 1991Lai, MingPHDOptical properties and applications of layered active media and absorptive nonlinear interfaces 
Spring 1991Cherng, Chung-PinPHDTheoretical and experimental studies of high-power semiconductor lasers
Spring 1990Wu, HongluPHDTransport studies based on the discrete nonlinear schroedinger equation
Fall 1989Soares, Schubert F.PHDHeterodyne ultraviolet photodetection
Fall 1989Mullins, Billy W.PHDHeterodyne characterization of high-speed photomixers for the ultraviolet
Spring 1986Heath, James E.PHDDiscovery of strong coupling between lattice-band carriers and impurity-band carriers in augmented photoconductivity measurements on Si:As, Si:Bi, and Si:Al AT 7-16 K
Spring 1986Chung, Ki H.PHDSpectral characteristics of semiconductor lasers : linewidth enhancement factor and external optical feedback effects
Spring 1986Kelly, Michael A.PHDZeeman spectroscopy of photolytically pumped atomic iodine
Spring 1986Schelonka, Lee P.PHDPhase conjugate fidelity of focused stimulated brillouin scattering
Spring 1986Lange, Michael R.PHDMechanisms of pulsed laser induced damage to optical coatings 
Fall 1985Cho, Nam M.PHDEffect of wavelength-selective pumping on the performance of a flashlamp pumped dye laser
Spring 2018