OSE Students Luke Horstman and Kaleb Campbell Join OSA's Capitol Hill Visit
Departmental News

Posted: May 1, 2019
In the spring of 2019, The Optical Society (OSA) organized their yearly event, gathering members together on Capitol Hill to represent the national photonics initiative. Among the members were undergraduate and graduate students, Professors, Postdoctoral Fellows, and industry leaders in optics and photonics.
Optical Science and Engineering, (OSE) Ph. D. students, Luke Horstman, and Kaleb Campbell were selected as representatives for New Mexico to meet with congressional representatives and senators of their respective states in Washington D.C. Their meetings in Capitol Hill were over concerns for future funding in optical research, prompted largely by cuts at the Federal level. Issues in education in New Mexico and promoting science at various levels and also promoting business in optics were brought up. Both Luke Horstman and Kaleb Campbell were able to meet with the Honorable Martin Heinrich, United States Senator. They were able to discuss with Senator Heinrich the importance of optical research and education in New Mexico.
Overall, they had a successful trip trying to increase the awareness of photonics research and the importance of optical education.