UNM-OSE Student Groups
UNM/OSE Student Organizations
OPTICA - UNM Student Chapter
Welcome to OPTICA, formerly the Optical Society of America (OSA) student chapter at the University of New Mexico (UNM). Our goal is to apply the mission of the international OSA organization to the local Albuquerque optics community.
Our organization’s mission has stayed substantially on the same course its charter members envisioned over a century ago. The significance of the field, the genius of the OSA founders, and the remarkable dedication of those who followed enabled the society to become the global forum for light science and technology that it is today.
Our association is run by student leaders elected by their peers. Join us: osa@unm.edu UNM Chapter Website: https://osa.unm.edu/ National Website: https://www.osa.org/en-us/get_involved/students/student_chapters/
Graduate Students Association at PandA
Bi-Weekly meeting are held approximately every other Friday during Spring and Fall semesters and open to any member of the Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student Association. These are designed to be a relaxing and fun event for stressed out and hungry graduate students away from campus. Website: https://unmpandagsa.wixsite.com/home/
ECE Graduate Students Association
http://ece-gsa.unm.edu/ ECE GSA exists in order to assist electrical and computer engineering students in furthering their education through funding, meetings, and workshops. The group helps students with academic affairs in ECE, and is the voice of students in the department.
The Society of Women Engineers

http://swe.unm.edu/ The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is an organization that was created to help foster the growth, success, and advancement of women within STEM fields, as well as achieve recognition for the contributions already made to STEM fields by women. SWE aims to establish engineering (and all other STEM fields) as an extremely valid career choice for women through networking, outreach, scholarships, training programs, conferences, and more.
Engineers Without Borders UNM
http://ewb.unm.edu/ Engineers Without Borders USA builds a better world through engineering projects that empower communities to meet their basic human needs and equip leaders to solve the world’s most pressing challenges.
The Society of Enabled Engineers (& STEM) Students
The Society of Enabled Engineers (& STEM) Students is a student organization to help any disabled student (any major, diagnosed, or self-diagnosed disability) overcome any obstacles imposed by their disability that would interfere with them successfully completing their educational goals at UNM. Contact Daniel Strones, DStrones@unm.edu, 505-440-0361 (text or call) for further information.
Engineers Hispanic Engineering & Science Organization
http://heso.unm.edu/ Since 1975, HESO has dedicated itself to promoting excellence in engineering, science and mathematics at the University of New Mexico.
UNM National Society of Black Engineers
http://nsbe.unm.edu/ At the UNM NSBE Collegiate Chapter, our main focus is to give back to the community and to provide a good support system for our members to succeed in all of their academic and career goals.
SACNAS - Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science
SACNAS is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.
https://www.facebook.com/unmostem Website: https://www.ostem.org/ The STEM Collaborative Center is supporting UNM’s local student chapter of Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)