
Doris Williams is the OSE Program Advisor

Office: CHTM, Room 112C
Phone: (505) 272-7764

Ms. Williams works in an advisory capacity in the Optical Science and Engineering, (OSE) program with graduate and prospective OSE students; provides consultation, guidance and advisement to students regarding academic plans and strategies; maintains appropriate records regarding student consultations; processes, verifies, and approves academic paperwork and records; updates academic records, reviews external documents, certifies graduation, evaluates transfer work, and processes academic exceptions to curriculum requirements; provides input to departmental leadership regarding the development of advisement, recruitment, and/or curricular programs; may research information, compile statistics and gather and compute various data, as needed; presents on standard advisement topics at large and small workshops and orientations; manages special events, provides training and functional guidance to lower-level advisors, supervises staff, and maintains fiscal management for the OSE program.

Ms. Williams is a member of the National Academic Advising Association, (NACADA) which works to enhance the educational development of students. In NACADA, Ms. Williams has served on the STEM and Graduate and Professional Students Committees. Ms. Williams has a BA as well as a graduate degree.