Professors Sheik-Bahae and Brueck in Optics Letters top 100 cited articles of all time
Departmental News

Posted: August 21, 2017
Optics Letters, an Optical Society of America Journal, celebrates its 40th anniversary by noting the 100 most highly cited articles published over the history of the Journal.
At #8, with 1162 citations, is an article published by Professor Mansoor Sheik-Bahae and co-authors in 1989, "High-sensitivity, single-beam n2 measurements," Opt. Lett. 14(17) 955-957 (1989).
At #52, with 547 citations, is an article published by Professor Steven R. J. Brueck and co-authors in 1991, "Large second-order nonlinearity in poled fused silica," Opt. Lett. 16(22) 1732-1734 (1991). The authors, Myers, R. A.; Mukherjee, N.; and Brueck, S. R. J were all affiliated with the UNM Center for High Technology Materials (CHTM) at the time.
At #67, with 462 citations, is another article published by Professor Mansoor Sheik-Bahae and co-authors in 1992, "Self-focusing and self-defocusing by cascaded second-order effects in KTP,"Opt. Lett. 17(1) 28-30 (1992).

Founded in 1916, The Optical Society (OSA) is the leading professional association in optics and photonics, home to accomplished science, engineering, and business leaders from all over the world. Through world-renowned publications, meetings, and membership programs, OSA provides quality information and inspiring interactions that power achievements in the science of light.
Since 1977, Optics Letters (OL), an OSA journal, has been advancing the science of optics and photonics by publishing high-quality papers rapidly. To celebrate their 40th anniversary, OL provides a year of free access to their top 100 most highly cited articles of all time. All articles on the list are free to access throughout 2017. (Citation counts are from Clarivate Analytics as of January 4, 2017.)
Other historic material, including commemorative editorials, will be published at OL's 40th anniversary website throughout 2017.
Dr. Mansoor Sheik-Bahae is a Distinguished Professor with the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the current Chair of the Optical Science and Engineering program at The University of New Mexico. He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America and his publications have been widely recognized. His research interests include:
- Nonlinear Optics
- Laser Cooling in Solids
- Ultrafast Phenomena
- Laser Physics
- THz Plasmonics

Dr. Steven R. J. Brueck is a UNM Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director Emeritus of CHTM. Brueck has made significant contributions to nonlinear optics, nanoscale lithography, semiconductor lasers, infrared detectors, nanophotonics and nanofluidics. He was named the STC.UNM Innovation Fellow in 2010 and received the UNM Presidential Award of Distinction in 2013. He has published over 500 technical papers and has served as an Associate Editor of Optics Letters, as Editor of the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics and as Founding Editor of the IEEE Journal in Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. He holds 69 US patents of which 63 licenses and options have been exercised by 24 companies. Brueck is a fellow of OSA, IEEE, NAI, and AAAS.
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