OSE Seminar by Dr. Adam Schwartzberg on Finding and surpassing coherence limitations in superconducting qubits

Departmental News

Dr. Adam Schwartzberg

Posted: October 29, 2019

Date: Thursday, October 31, 2019 

Time:  12:15 PM to 1:15 PM

Location:  CHTM, Room 101

Map to CHTM:


ADA Accommodations are available.


Dr. Adam Schwartzberg

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 


In this talk I will introduce the materials challenges in superconducting qubit (SCqubit) devices. Despite several decades of progress in the field, there are still a significant number of unknown factors which degrade resonator coherence time by orders of magnitude from the theoretical limit. I will give a general introduction into SCqubit devices with a focus on materials and fabrication followed by our newest results on understanding the deviation of even world leading devices from the idealized structure and composition via advanced characterization techniques at the Molecular Foundry. Finally, I will discuss the impact of these nonidealities and the techniques we are developing to overcome these limitations and create the next generation of high performance SCqubit devices. 


Adam Schwartzberg received his bachelors and PhD from UC Santa Cruz in physical chemistry, focusing on ultrafast spectroscopy of metal and semiconductor nanoparticles, nanoparticle synthesis, and single particle surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. After completing two postdocs (UC Berkeley and The Molecular Foundry at the Berkeley Lab), Adam accepted a position at The Molecular Foundry in the Nanofabrication Facility working on thin film materials growth by atomic layer deposition and advanced characterization including ultrafast spectroscopy. His work currently focuses on the growth and characterization of 2D semiconductor materials and on understanding new and existing materials systems for superconducting qubit devices.