2019 Shared Knowledge Conference - Nov. 7, 2019 at Hodgin Hall
Departmental News

Posted: November 5, 2019
The OSE program will be represented by Ph.D. Candidate, Mr. Amir Khabbazi Oskouei for the Fall 2019 Poster Competition.
What is the Shared Knowledge Conference?
The Shared Knowledge Conference is a yearly event designed to celebrate and showcase UNM graduate students and their outstanding research and scholarship. The conference exclusively features the work of UNM graduate students and provides a venue for these students to share their work with the UNM and larger New Mexican communities, bridging borders that too-often divide academia from the larger world, and in so doing spark conversations and forge lasting partnerships.
The conference is free to attend for everyone, and no affiliation with UNM is required to attend. The conference does NOT charge any fees for students to participate or present.
Every year, the conference features two platforms for students to share their research: a poster showcase and the LoboBites competition. This year, we'll also be commemorating the 100th anniversary of Graduate Studies at UNM.
2019 Conference Schedule:
- Date: November 7th, 2019
- Poster session at Hodgin Hall: 2:00-3:45 PM
- LoboBITES finale at Centennial Engineering Center auditorium: 4:00-5:00 PM
- Conference reception: Immediately following the LoboBITES finale
UNM Graduate Studies hosts the conference with generous sponsorships from the Vice President for Research and the UNM Alumni Association.