The OSE Program's 2019 Fall Graduates
Departmental News

Posted: December 13, 2019
On behalf of the OSE program, we want to congratulate all the OSE 2019 Fall graduates on a job well done! Below is a list of the OSE graduates and their committee chairs.
OSE M.S Degree Graduates:
Ms. Diana R. Magana-Contreras
OSE Advisor: Dr. Osinski
Mr. Troy Hutchins-Delgado
OSE Advisor: Dr. Osinski
OSE Ph.D. Degree Graduates:
Mr. James P. Hendrie†
OSE Committee Chair - Dr. Diels
Mr. Ahmad Mansoori*
OSE Committee Chair - Dr. Balakrishnan
Ms. Shima Nezhadbadeh
OSE Committee Chair - Dr. Brueck
Mr. Chih Feng Wang
OSE Committee Chair - Dr. Habteyes
†=Distinction *Summer graduate