SPIE Seminar Series by Dr. Robert Lieberman on Scientific Life Outside of the University and Optical Fiber Sensors: Submicron to Suprakilometer
Departmental News

Posted: September 5, 2019
SPIE Visiting Lecturer:
Dr. Robert Lieberman
President of Lumoptix, LLC,
Former president of the SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics
Day 1:
Title: Scientific Life Outside of the University
Thursday; 12th Sept. From 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM, CHTM Room 101
Virtually all scientists are trained in an academic atmosphere, but only a small fraction of graduate students actually wind up having university careers. What becomes of the others? What paths area available for people who love science and want to continue doing interesting research? How does a scientist adjust to life outside the university? To answer these questions, and others, this talk considers the landscape of opportunities available in government laboratories and in industry -- including big businesses, small businesses, and start-ups, and discusses the wide variety of paths to success offered in the "real world."
Day 2:
Title: Optical Fiber Sensors: Submicron to Suprakilometer
Friday; 13th Sept. From 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM, CHTM Room 101
The advancement of optical waveguide technology has been driven by interplay between the development of techniques for sensing and for communications. This interplay has resulted in sensors capable of measuring physical and chemical properties at length scales comparable to entire railroad tunnels, comparable to cellular organelles, and a panoply of point sensors, distributed sensors, and sensor arrays for every length scale in between. As new waveguide-related technologies emerge, exciting new opportunities are arising to extend this range even further.