OSE Dissertation Defense by Mr. Ke Huang on Interaction of Optomechanical Cavities with Acoustic Waves and Oscillators
Departmental News
Posted: June 19, 2020
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Time: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84251202291?pwd=cm4rSXIyLzRHSEorbU5lMThvWVNSQT09
Committee Members:
Dr. M. Hossein-Zadeh (Supervisor)
Dr. A. Mafi
Dr. D. Feezell
Dr. F. Sorrentino
Resonators and oscillators are key elements in a wide variety of natural and manmade systems. As such understanding and exploiting their dynamics both as isolated devices and members of coupled systems has been the subject of intensive investigation for more than a century. The advent of optomechanical resonators (OMRs) that support strong coupling between optical and mechanical modes resulting in self-sustained optomechanical oscillations, has created new opportunities for device development and implementation of coupled oscillatory systems. One aspect of this thesis is focused on exploring some of the unique features of OMRs and optomechanical oscillators (OMOs) that can be exploited for efficient acousto-optical transduction and signal processing in the context of underwater communication and sensing. Another aspect is related to interaction of OMOs with other types of oscillators and the behavior of the resulting oscillatory systems as well as closely related heterogenous oscillatory systems.
Notable achievements and results that will be presented include: 1) Study the performance of an OMR as an acousto-optical transducer with optomechanical gain; 2) First demonstration of OMO simultaneously functioning as an acousto-optical transducer, local oscillator and mixer in an ultrasonic underwater communication link; 3)First demonstration of injection locking of an OMO via acoustic waves; 4) Theoretical study of the dynamics of a coupled oscillatory system comprising an optoelectronic oscillator and OMO; 5) Experimental observation of synchronization between coupled optoelectronic and Colpitts oscillators both in periodic and chaotic regime; 6) Application of homogeneous and heterogeneous coupled oscillatory systems in sensing and detection.
This work will be presented in two parts: First the interaction of OMRs with acoustic waves, both below and above optomechanical oscillation threshold, will be discussed. Next, the main outcomes of our studies on the interaction between heterogenous oscillators in coupled oscillatory systems comprising optomechanical and optoelectronic oscillators will be presented. In both studies, beyond exploring the dynamics and interesting aspects of these interactions, practical applications specially in communication and sensing will be discussed.