OSE Faculty, Dr. Francesca Cavallo Gives Invited Talk at UCMMT 2021
Departmental News

Posted: September 30, 2021
OSE Faculty, Dr. Francesca Cavallo Gives Invited Talk at UCMMT 2021
About the Event:
Dr. Francesca Cavallo, ECE Assistant Professor and CHTM faculty member, has given an invited talk at a major international conference. The 14th UK, Europe, China Millimeter Waves and Terahertz Technology Workshop was virtually held on September 13-15, 202. The conference was organized by Lancaster University, UK.
UCMMT is a unique forum, where lead scientists in particular from China, Europe and United Kingdom, but open to the full scientific community share their knowledge in the field of millimeter waves and THz sources, devices, systems and applications.
Dr. Cavallo was an invited presenter and gave a talk entitled, "Design and Fabrication of Self-Assembled Metal Helices for Millimeter-through-THz Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers."