OSE Seminar by OSE Alumnus, Dr. Chad Hoyt on Precision Timing and Sensing
Departmental News

Posted: November 2, 2021
Date: Thursday, November 04, 2021
Time: 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM
Location: PAIS, Room 3205 or Zoom
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Meeting ID: 916 2342 9014
Chad Hoyt is a research scientist in the Advanced Sensing Technology group at Honeywell in Plymouth, MN. After his Ph.D. work in solid-state laser cooling at the University of New Mexico, he helped build a neutral-atom optical clock as a post-doctoral researcher at NIST, Boulder. As a physics faculty member at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN, Chad worked with undergraduate student researchers on optical and atomic projects such as a lithium magneto-optical trap, ultrafast lasers, and quantum optics. Currently, he helps develop new atomic timing and navigation technologies at Honeywell such as microwave and optical clocks.