Mr. Dominic Bosomtwi, OSE PHD Student, Showcases his Research at the UNM Shared Knowledge Conference
Departmental News

Posted: November 8, 2021
Fano resonances and Rabi splitting in the spectral response of the scattering parameters are analyzed for a periodic array of binary nanoantennas. It is shown that tuning the refractive index of the dielectric scatterer defines whether identical or mismatched resonances are excited in the nanoantenna array. The studies of nanoelectrode array which can serve as a general guideline in designing plasmonic nanostructures with nanoelectrodes injecting hot electrons into an aqueous environment is presented. The research also involves investigation of metastructures made up of CMOS-compatible materials and featuring losses comparable to those in metastructures utilizing noble metals.
Dr. Osinski's Research Group:
Dominic Bosomtwi is a doctoral student in the Optical Science and Engineering Program at UNM. He is a member of Distinguished Professor, Marek Osinski’s research group. Dr. Osinski’s research interests include synthesis and characterization of colloidal nanocrystals, biomedical applications of colloidal quantum dots, nuclear radiation detectors (and nanoscintillators in particular), development of semiconductor ring-laser-based rotation sensors, fast/ slow light in semiconductor structures, ultrafast optoelectronic integrated circuits, modeling and simulation of optoelectronic devices, and growth and properties of novel optoelectronic materials.
Below is a link to Dr. Osinski’s Research Group:
About the Poster Showcase:
In the poster session, graduate students from programs across campus display their research in poster format and engage directly with conference attendees and fellow scholars. Research posters come in a wide variety of topics, crossing fields throughout the humanities and sciences. Poster evaluators are also on hand to provide feedback to presenters. Students are nominated by their academic program to display a research poster at the conference.
This year's Poster Showcase took place on Monday, November 8th from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Student Union Building, Ballroom C, with the top three finalists from the LoboBITES competition giving their presentations at noon.