OSE Seminar by Dr. Yuan-Yu Jau on Ultra-Low Frequency Atomic E-field Sensing

Departmental News

yu-yuan Jau

Posted: November 8, 2021

Date: Thursday, November 11, 2021

Time:  12:15 PM - 1:15 PM

Location:  PAIS, Room 3205 or Zoom

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Meeting ID: 916 2342 9014
Password: OSE



The idea of atomic electrometry or atomic electric-field (E-field) sensing using atomic Rydberg states was proposed back in 1990s. In the past decade, owing to the more well established laser technologies, optically interrogating atomic Rydberg states became more mature and practical. Like other atomic metrology technologies, such as atomic clocks, atomic magnetometers, atomic accelerometers, etc., atomic electrometers can in-principle be traceable standards for E-field measurements and providing the best accuracy and precision. So far, the research community has been heavily focusing on developing atomic electrometers for E-field sensing at RF frequency range. Although establishing E-field measurement standards for RF signals is quite promising, the E-field sensitivity at this frequency range has not surpassed the conventional electronic detection technology. On the other hand, atomic metrology usually delivers much better performance compared to the other existing technology at low-frequency range. Sandia has recently demonstrated ultra-low frequency (ULE) atomic E-field sensing with better performance than electronic technology. We believe that we can achieve more significant breakthrough in E-field sensing at low frequencies in the near future. In this presentation, I will give a quick review of atomic electrometry and talk about our breakthrough at ULE E-field sensing in more detail and its potential applications.

Yuan-Yu Jau received his Ph.D in Physics at Princeton University in 2005. He was a research faculty in the Physics Department of Princeton University between 2007 and 2009. He is currently a research staff member at Sandia National Labs. Yuan-Yu Jau is interested in physics and the relevant applications of quantum systems that are composed of atoms, photons, atom-like entities, spin particles, and photonic structures. He is the coauthor of the book “Optically Pumped Atoms” published by Wiley in 2010, which describes various subjects of key AMO physics and methods of detailed density-matrix calculation. At Sandia National Laboratories, he has led and participated in various research projects of quantum metrology and quantum information science, such as atomic electrometry, atom interferometry, atomic magnetometry, atomic time keeping, high-fidelity quantum logic, sensitive neutron polarimetry, optimal quantum controls, production of entangled atoms, etc. using atomic vapor, trapped ions, optically trapped neutral atoms, and neutrons.