OSE PHD Student - Mr. Brian Topper, Showcases his Research at the UNM Shared Knowledge Conference
Departmental News

Posted: November 8, 2021
Laser cooling silica glass fibers to new record temperatures
Brian Topper, Doctoral Student, Optical Science and Engineering, University of New Mexico
Professor Arash Mafi, Acting Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of New Mexico
Poster Abstract:
Laser cooling of ytterbium doped silica glass fibers by anti-Stokes fluorescence to 18 Kelvin below room temperature has been observed. This milestone achievement breaks the record for cooling a silica fiber by two orders of magnitude. Our new record demonstrates the viability of using silica as a material for radiation-balanced fibers and amplifiers. Numerical simulations using the parameters of the experimentally investigated fiber indicate the potential of self-cooled lasers outputting multiple watts.
Professor Arash Mafi's Research Group:
Brian Topper is a PhD student in the OSE Program. He is a member of Acting Arts and Sciences Dean, Professor Arash Mafi’s research group. The primary focus of the Photonics Research Group, headed by Dr. Arash Mafi, is on the application of theoretical, computational, and experimental methods for cutting-edge research in photonics, especially on nonlinear and quantum aspects of guided-wave optics. Guided-wave optics, whether in the form of optical fibers, or as plasmonic and silicon nano-waveguides, is the fundamental platform in device applications in photonics and will always remain at the frontiers of research in photonics.
Link to Dr. Mafi’s Research Group: https://mafi.unm.edu/
About the Poster Showcase:
In the poster session, graduate students from programs across campus display their research in poster format and engage directly with conference attendees and fellow scholars. Research posters come in a wide variety of topics, crossing fields throughout the humanities and sciences. Poster evaluators are also on hand to provide feedback to presenters. Students are nominated by their academic program to display a research poster at the conference.
This year's Poster Showcase took place on Monday, November 8th from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Student Union Building, Ballroom C, with the top three finalists from the LoboBITES competition giving their presentations at noon.