OSE Seminar by Dr. Janis Smits on "Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond"
Departmental News

Posted: September 27, 2021
Date: Thursday, September 30, 2021
Time: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Location: PAIS, Room 3205
Zoom Link for OSE Seminar
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Meeting ID: 916 2342 9014
Quantum sensing, defined as the use of a qubit system to measure environmental parameters, has been realized in a variety of physical platforms from alkali vapor cells to superconducting circuits. The nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond is one realization amongst many and while there exist systems with better raw sensitivity metrics, the combination of room temperature operability, biocompatibility, and exceptional spatial resolution potentially enables the study of chemical and biological phenomena inaccessible to other platforms. In my talk, I will focus on using the nitrogen-vacancy defect to detect high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance signals from picoliter fluid analytes and address some of the technical hurdles that need to be overcome to directly compete with existing technologies.
Janis Smits received his Ph.D. from the University of Latvia in 2019 with a thesis titled "Microscale sensing with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond". In 2020 he joined prof. Victor Acosta's group at the University of New Mexico Center for High Technology Materials to work on nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and nuclear spin hyperpolarization with nitrogen-vacancy centers.