OSE Distinguished Faculty Member, Dr. Mansoor Sheik-Bahae Presents Three Papers at Photonics West 2022
Departmental News

Posted: January 25, 2022
The OSE Program at Photonics West 2022
OSE Distinguished Faculty Member, Dr. Mansoor Sheik-Bahae Presents Three Papers at Photonics West 2022
GaAs-based cryocoolers for space-borne optical clocks
The feasibility of space-borne no-vibration optical cryocoolers based on GaAs for high precision petrology and optical clock applications will be discussed. In particular, theoretical analysis and reasonable estimations will be presented for a cryocooler device using GaAs at T=16.8K suitable for cooling the silicon reference cavity developed by NIST.
Analysis of MECSEL mode-locking
The longitudinal mode characteristics of DBR-free VECSELs -also known as membrane external cavity surface-emitting lasers (MECSELs)- with resonant-periodic gain structure gives rise to a new set of requirements for modelocking these lasers. We discuss modelocking operations in MECSELs in both standing-wave and ring cavity configurations in comparisons with the traditional VECSELs. Furthermore, we analyze the conditions for Kerr-lens modelocking (KLM) operation in MECSELs in various resonator geometries.
The role of amplified spontaneous emission in cryogenic optical refrigeration
The effects of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) as well as absorption saturation in cryogenic optical refrigeration in rare-earth doped materials are analyzed theoretically. It is seen that ASE may pose a limitation on power scaling under strong feedback conditions (i.e. in high finesse pump circulator cavities). Absorption saturation may have similar effect depending on the value of the background absorption.
Link to Photonics West 2022 Program: https://spie.org/conferences-and-exhibitions/photonics-west
Link to Upcoming 2022 Optics Conferences: https://optics.unm.edu/conferences/conference-2022.html