Dr. Arash Mafi, A&S Interim Dean and OSE Faculty Member Gives Summer Lecture Series on Nonlinear Fiber Optics
Departmental News

Posted: June 10, 2022
Date: Thursdays during June 2022
Time: 10:10 AM - 11:10 AM
Location: at PAIS, Rm. 2540
This Lecture will follow the material in “Nonlinear Fiber Optics, 6th Ed. By Govind Agrawal”. The goal is to derive the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, parametric processes (four-wave mixing) and spontaneous and stimulated Raman process, etc. If there is enough interest, we may continue to optical fiber solitons and quantization in soliton background.
The required background is a working knowledge of Maxwell's Equations and basic differential equations.
The lecture series is free and open to all.