OSE Dissertation Defense by Mr. Cody Bassett on Investigation of Laser and Nonlinear Properties of Anderson Localizing Optical Fibers
Departmental News

Posted: October 24, 2022
Investigation of Laser and Nonlinear Properties of Anderson Localizing Optical Fibers
Date / Time:
Friday, November 11, 2022 from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
PAIS, RM 2540 and Zoom
Dr. Arash Mafi, Interim Dean of A&S
Dr. Mansoor Sheik-Bahae, Distinguished Professor, P&A
Dr. Tito Busani , Assistant Professor, ECE
Dr. John Ballato, Professor, Clemson University
Transverse Anderson localizing optical fibers (TALOFs) is a unique optical fiber that guides light by a phenomenon known as Anderson localization (AL). The core of a TALOF is very different from that of a typical optical fiber in that the core is made up of a completely random profile in the transverse direction of light propagation while remaining invariant along the fiber. This random arrangement of the core leads to tightly confined modes of propagation that are significantly smaller than the fiber's core diameter.
There have been many questions on the interplay between nonlinearity, gain, and AL, and this work attempts to answer some of those questions. This dissertation first studies the nonlinear four-wave mixing (FWM) process in TALOFs. It illustrates the possibility of generating unique photon pairs, which can be used in various applications, including quantum information processing. The second part studies the gain properties of a ytterbium-doped TALOF (Yb:TALOF) to determine if lasing is possible in this fiber, with potential application in broadband or broadly tunable lasers.
Cody Bassett received his B.S. in Physics here at the University of New Mexico. During his undergraduate, he began research under the guidance of professor Mafi on a project in quantum optics. After completing his bachelor's degree, he continued his academic career by returning to the group to pursue his Ph.D. in Optical Science & Engineering. He received his master's degree during the Spring of 2022, and plans to graduate with his Ph.D. in the Fall of 2022. His dissertation research focuses on the laser and nonlinear properties of the novel TALOF. If successful, continued research could lead to tunable lasing and the generation of tunable FWM pairs within an optical fiber system.