OSE MS Project Exam by Ms. Theala Redhouse
Departmental News

Posted: October 24, 2022
Ms. Theala Redhouse
MS Project Exam
Date / Time:
Friday, October 21, 2022,1:00-2:30 PM
at CHTM, Room 103
Dr. Feezell of UNM ECE (Committee Chair)
Dr. Sheik-Bahae of UNM P&A
Dr. Diels of UNM P&A
My project is to assess whether a pulsed 355nm light can be used in an integrated waveguide in an ion trap chip. This will require a few techniques and measurements: coupling pulsed light into a waveguide, measuring the amount of loss due to coupling, and measurement of dispersion interferometrically. It is also of interest whether the waveguide will be damaged by the intensity of pulsed light operating at peak powers. Using a 355nm light is significant because it is primarily used to control Yb171+ ion in quantum computing. As quantum computing grows to longer ions chains, the limiting factor is delivering a small focus of 355nm light onto each ion. Therefore, determining whether 355nm pulsed light can be delivered by an integrated waveguide could impact the future of quantum computing.