OSE MS Project Defense by Mr. Darryl Benally
Departmental News

Posted: October 24, 2022
Date / Time:
Wednesday, 10/26/22 from 10:30-11:30
PAIS, Room 2410
CommitteeDr. Tonmoy Chakraborty, UNM P&A (Committee Chair)
Dr. Ganesh Balakrishnan, Director of EPSCoR & UNM ECE
Dr. Shawn Stacy, Sandia National Labs
Photon Doppler Velocimetry (PDV) allows precise and continuous velocity measurements in high-speed events. The technique is greatly used in shock physics. In our present day, many designs and PDV systems are usually based on fiber lasers operating in the 1550nm wavelength. As valuable as the information a 1550nm based PDV system provides, the wavelength does have limitations. The two main limits are some materials are highly transparent to 1550nm or highly absorbate which lowers reflected light from the moving object. Return light signal is key to a PDV system. Therefore, this project was to explore a PDV system based on another wavelength, a 532nm based PDV system. The 532nm system follows and greatly resembles the same interconnections as a 1550nm PDV system. The presentation will discuss the challenges and development on the 532nm based PDV system.
Darryl Benally received his Bachelor's of Science in Electrical Engineering from Colorado State University in 2010. Shortly afterwards, he started working for the US Air Force in electronic warfare. Over the years and many job positions, Darryl finds himself working at Sandia National Labs as a Electromechnical Technologist who designed and built a 1550nm based PDV systems for applications in shock physics velocity measurements. Darryl will complete his degree requirements this Fall 2022 semester; thus, earning a Master's of Science in Optical Science and Engineering from University of New Mexico.