UNM SPIE Student Chapter Reboot Event & CHTM Tour
Departmental News

Posted: November 30, 2022
Date: Tuesday, 12/06/2022
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: CHTM, Room 103
Please join us for an important and fun event next Tuesday, 12/6/22 from 11:30-12:30 at CHTM, Room 103 for the UNM SPIE Student Chapter Reboot Event and CHTM Tour. We will have FREE PIZZA and other refreshments.
SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, was founded in 1955 to advance light-based technologies.
Serving 255,000 constituents from 183 countries, the not-for-profit society advances emerging technologies through interdisciplinary information exchange, continuing education, publications, patent precedent, and career and professional growth.
At the UNM SPIE Student Chapter Reboot event next Tuesday, our very own OSE General Chair, Dr. Feezell will give a presentation on the importance of joining professional optics associations. Dr. Maya Narayanan Kutty, Former UNM SPIE Student Chapter President and Postdoc for Dr. Balakrishnan will discuss SPIE's mission, services, activities and the necessary next steps to reboot the UNM SPIE Chapter. We will be holding student officer elections in the very near future in an effort to revive a strong academic, research and social organization - SPIE.
To learn more about SPIE, then click on the link below.
Also, at this event, Dr. Maya Narayanan Kutty will be giving the attendees a tour of CHTM. If you are a first-year student, then please attend this event, so you can get the tour of CHTM that we unfortunately ran out of time during the orientation. If you are a continuing OSE student at PAIS or CHTM, then getting a tour of CHTM and learning about what the facility has available is just helpful.
We believe this will be a fun event for all as we usher in the next generation of the UNM SPIE Student Chapter.