OSE Faculty Member, Dr. Ganesh Balakrishnan gives an invited paper on Development of arsenide and antimonide based epitaxial quantum dots for single photon emitter applications.
Departmental News

Posted: January 31, 2023
Development of quantum dots for single photon applications requires the growth of highly uniform ensembles that are density controlled and site selective. The traditional approach towards the growth of quantum dots has been dominated by the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode which involves the growth of a highly mismatched alloy on a substrate. The epilayer is typically compressively strained and after the growth of a planar wetting layer tends to nucleate three-dimensional quantum dots. The most common materials system for this growth has been the In(Ga)As quantum dot on GaAs. In this presentation we explore the possibility of using both the SK and non-SK growth modes with a variety of alloys including both arsenides and antimonies that allow for unprecedented control over bandage and site selectivity. We will also show that novel in-situ chemistries and equilibrium crystal shapes can be exploited to develop structures such as quantum rings and nano-voids for QD growth.
Authors: Ganesh Balakrishnan, The University of New Mexico
Ganesh Balakrishnan is a Professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of New Mexico. He is the director of the New Mexico EPSCoR office and is affiliated with the Center for High Technology Materials. In the past fifteen years he established a molecular beam epitaxy base research program for III-V optoelectronic materials and devices. His expertise is in the development of highly mismatched epitaxy including antimonide metamorphic buffers on GaAs and Silicon and the development of novel quantum dot designs. Some of his research thrusts include – high power semiconductor lasers, mode-locked laser development, Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers (PCSELs), III-N based nano-lasers, quantum dots for quantum information applications, infrared detectors for imaging, photovoltaic devices and thermo-photovoltaic devices.
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