Mr. Md. Nasful Huda Prince, OSE PHD Student Showcased his Research at the UNM Shared Knowledge Conference
Departmental News

Posted: November 3, 2023
Title: Signal Improved ultra-Fast Light-sheet Microscope (SIFT) for large tissue imaging
Authors: Md Nasful Huda Prince1,2, Irene Salinas Remiro3, Sheng Liu1,2, Tonmoy Chakraborty1,2,4
1Doctoral student, Optical Science Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA
2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA
3Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA
4Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87102, USA
Axially swept light-sheet microscope (ASLM) enables imaging tissues with isotropic (XYZ) resolution because of its synchronous movement of light-sheet (LS) with the camera rolling shutter. But owing to its design these microscopes possess low detection signals and low-duty cycle. With such a limited imaging frame rate, imaging a centimeter scale specimen at sub-micron resolution is prohibitively time-consuming (several hours to days). Here, we propose a novel yet simple optical design that helps to reduce the burden of the actuator, which is responsible for moving the LS in the sample space, such that it allows us to preserve the synchronization for a quadruple frame rate compared to the conventional ASLM. We also developed a GPU-enabled deep learning (DL) based classification model that enables us to determine the tissue boundary. This trained model not only optimizes the usage of the machinery but also augments the improvement of imaging time and the storage requirement to image a certain shape and volume of the tissue. We demonstrated the performance of the entire pipeline by imaging various samples, cleared by different protocols with different RIs, having different sizes and shapes.
Prince received his B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), MBA major in Finance and M.Sc. in EEE from Bangladesh. He is now pursuing his Ph.D. in Optical Science and Engineering at the University of New Mexico (UNM). For the Ph.D. research, he is working in the Light-sheet microscopy and imaging laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Tonmoy Chakraborty. Besides his academic activities, he has a professional track record in the industry as well.
Link to Dr. Tonmoy Chakraborty's Research Group:
About the UNM Shared Knowledge Conference - Poster Showcase:
In the poster session, graduate students from programs across campus displayed their research in poster format and engage directly with conference attendees and fellow scholars. Research posters come in a wide variety of topics, crossing fields throughout the humanities and sciences. Poster evaluators are also on hand to provide feedback to presenters. Students are nominated by their academic program to display a research poster at the conference.
This year's Poster Showcase will take place on Thursday, November 9th from 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM in the UNM Student Union Building, rooms Acoma A&B and Fiesta A&B (3rd Floor).