OSE Seminar by Dr. Erik R. Hosler on The Last Light Source
Departmental News

Posted: November 13, 2023
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2023
Time: 12:45 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Free Pizzas and Sodas
Location: CHTM, Room 103 and Zoom
Erik Hosler is the Chief Executive Officer at xLight, Inc., which is focused on industrializing particle accelerator technology to deliver the ultimate light source to drive US competitiveness in semiconductor manufacturing and beyond. Erik received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in Physical Chemistry, and afterwards he went into lithography research and development at GLOBALFOUNDRIES. As EUV Lead Technologist at GLOBALFOOUNDRIES, Erik delivered EUV lithography and the associated infrastructure for 7nm manufacturing. He also led an industry-wide study group on the potential of using free-electron lasers as a lithography light source and published several technical papers on the subject. Erik also worked at PsiQuantum as the lithography and patterning strategist for initial silicon photonic quantum computing test vehicles before starting xLight, Inc. in June 2021.