The OSE Program’s Safety, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement and Campus Resources
Departmental News

Posted: February 15, 2023
The OSE Program’s Safety, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement and UNM Campus Resources*
The Optical Science and Engineering Program, (OSE) faculty and staff are committed to adhering to the six major UNM Inclusive Excellence Objectives outlined by the UNM Division of Equity and Inclusion.
UNM Inclusive Excellence Objectives:
- UNM is inherently inclusive, accessible to most and readily accommodating to all students, staff, faculty, and community members, inclusive of ability/disability status.
- Ensure increased coordination, communication, and articulation of commitments to Diversity, Equity, Accessibility & Inclusion (DEAI) and strengthen the equity and inclusion infrastructure across the university.
- Continue to focus on faculty and staff diversity, recruitment, retention, workforce/professional development, career advancement, and success, with a focus on addressing historical and current injustices and inequities.
- Assess UNM’s inclusive climate across all UNM sites to document and address concerns through setting benchmarks and actively working to evolve cultural humility and literacy within our communities.
- Support all offices and units to improve the learning environments in gateway courses and improve student persistence and inspire students at Branch campuses to consider additional four-year degrees and beyond.
- Provide sustained, overarching, and holistic support of graduate students from underrepresented racial/ethnic minority groups and non-URM students at UNM through mentoring, growth in number of faculty, and enhanced funding sources geared toward academic progress and doctoral degrees.
Safety, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources
Optical Science and Engineering, (OSE) Program – Established in 1983, the Optics Program at the University of New Mexico (UNM) is one of the oldest and most successful science and engineering interdisciplinary programs worldwide with a strong international reputation both in education and research. The OSE Program is a PHD and MS degree granting academic unit at UNM.
LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center -Enrichment Center, Room 262; Phone: (505) 277-2911
The LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center opened in Fall 2015 as a part of the LoboRESPECT Initiative. The LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center provides a safe and welcoming environment and serves as a confidential/anonymous reporting location for students to receive support and advocacy services for a number of areas. The LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center is committed to helping students understand and navigate UNM’s structure and assist in resolving issues they may encounter at the university. We provide personal advocacy from start to finish with a single point of entry for students to come for information, assistance
Accessibility Resource Center - Connect, Collaborate, Succeed at UNM is a great way to get started with us at ARC where our focus is working with students with Disabilities. Located on the second floor of Mesa Vista Hall room 2021 at the University of New Mexico, the Accessibility Resource Center provides a variety of services to self-identified UNM students on main campus as well as branch campuses across the state. (505) 277-3506
Pathfinder – UNM Student Handbook – composed of two sections (Campus Services and Campus Policies) which can be accessed by clicking on the links in the left hand column. The categories are divided into subcategories or named policies in order to help you easily navigate the needed information. Every effort has been made to provide current and accurate information in this publication; however, the administration reserves the right to alter, amend, or abolish its rules, regulations, or policies at any time.
UNM Police – For emergencies 911, for all other calls / UNM PD dispatch (505) 277-2241
Respectful Campus Policy – This policy describes the values, cornerstones, and behaviors that delineate a respectful campus and applies to all members of the UNM community, including, but not limited to students, faculty, and staff.
AGORA Crisis Center and Hotline – Offers 24 hour free, confidential, compassionate help for anyone in need of emotional support. Our services include phone line, online chat, information & referral, community education and volunteer opportunities. Phone/24 Hour Hotline Numbers: (505) 277-3013, (855) 505-4505 and 800-273-TALK.
Lobo Guardian – An app a mobile app that increases user safety by creating a virtual safety network of friends and family.
Dean of Students Office Hate/Bias Reporting Form
UNM Dream Team – UNM Dream Team is a student club at the University of New Mexico to advocate for immigration reform and to increase access and success for immigrant students and families at the university. UNM Dream Team is an affiliate of United We Dream.
UNM Division for Equity and Inclusion - The Division for Equity and Inclusion promotes equity for all members of the University community by leading efforts and building sustainable partnerships to transform the campus environment, in addition to fostering inclusive excellence, promoting equity, and advocating social justice; and, in this way, nurture a climate that imbues diversity as an asset. (505) 277-2611
Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color - A student based organization that is working to build community among historically underrepresented students at the University of New Mexico. Lobo Lair Room 1046. (505) 277- 7397
African American Student Services - The AASS program at UNM provides culturally relevant programs designed to assist primarily African American students in making a confident transition and successful adjustment to the University. (505) 277-5645
American Indian Student Services - AISS provides cultural and academic programming for UNM's American Indian students to ensure their academic achievement and assist in the development of personal, cultural, and social success. (505) 277-6343
El Centro De La Raza - El Centro de la Raza provides tools for self-determination and resiliency, supports the transformation of students through knowledge, skills and responsibility, and challenges self and systems to achieve social justice. (505) 277-5020
LGBTQ Resource Center - The Mission of the LGBTQ Resource Center is to provide service to UNM students, faculty, and staff of all gender identities and sexual orientations through support, advocacy, education, and safety. (505) 277-5428
Women's Resource Center - The Women's Resource Center (WRC) is a place of advocacy, support, and safety for all members of the greater University and New Mexico community. (505) 277-3716
UNM Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) - The mission of the Office of Equal Opportunity is to promote equal access and treatment for all and to promote a safe environment free of discrimination and inequity in accordance with University values and policies and with federal and state equal opportunity and affirmative action statutes and regulations. (505) 277-5251
Additional UNM Student Services and Resources
Air Force ROTC - The Mission of the Air Force ROTC is to development the best Air Force leaders and citizens of character dedicated to serving the nation.
Army ROTC - Army ROTC's mission is to commission fully qualified and competent officers into the U.S. Army as Second Lieutenants who will serve in the regular Army, Army National Guard or Army Reserves.
Career Services - UNM's career portal and on-campus recruiting site assisting UNM students and alumni in choosing appropriate careers and pursuing career-related opportunities.
Children's Campus - UNMCC is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and serves UNM students, staff, and faculty families.
College Enrichment & Outreach Programs - CEOP provide leadership in development, implementation and coordination of student support services and activities designed to assist CEOP students' academic achievement, personal, cultural, and social development.
Community Engagement Center - CEC is a committed learning partner bringing UNM's resources and educational strengths to public service.
Dean of Students - DoS provides information and is a central point of contact for students who need to resolve issues, explanation of UNM policies and procedures, and identifying campus resources.
Graduate Resource Center - The Graduate Resource Center (GRC), in collaboration with several departments and programs, offers a wide array of free academic support services to all graduate and professional students at the University of New Mexico
Residence Life and Student Housing - RLSH seeks to enhance the quality of students' lives by providing safe, clean, well-maintained facilities and exceptional customer service.
Mentoring Institute - The Mentoring Institute develops, coordinates, and integrates research and training in mentoring best practices at UNM.
Parents and Families - Embracing parent and family involvement is a UNM value. This site is for parents and families of UNM students.
Recreational Services - Recreational Services' mission is to provide a broad spectrum of sports, recreational, and fitness activities for men and women, and for individuals with special needs of all ability levels, in order to enhance their academic productivity, personal effectiveness and commitment to their quality of life in a campus community.
Student Activities Center - Student Activities oversees the chartering process of all student organizations assisting them to properly spend their funds through the Student Government Accounting Office, organizes the recognition reception and other student awards programs and advises ASUNM, GPSA and fraternities and sororities.
Student Health and Counseling - Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) provides a unique health service designed to assist students in maintaining optimal health and staying in school. After Hours Crisis Counselor: (505) 277-3136 option 3
Student Union Building - The SUB operates under the direction of the SUB Board, and students play a predominant role in its operation, policy and strategic planning.
Navy/Marine ROTC - In combination with UNM, the NROTC provides a means for students to earn a commission as an officer in the Navy or Marine Corps.
*The resources lists above were taken from the compiled list at COEHS's website and were modified slightly by the OSE Program. The six major UNM Inclusive Excellence Objectives are from the UNM Division of Equity and Inclusion.