OSE Seminar by Dr. Michael J. Abere on Lasers as quantitative thermal sources for studying reactive chemistry
Departmental News

Posted: March 19, 2024
Date: Thursday, March 21st, 2024
Time: 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM MST
Location: PAIS, Room 2540 and Zoom
FREE Pizza and Sodas
Lasers are broadly used in characterization ranging from various forms of velocimetry, spectroscopy, and interferometry. Less common is the implementation of lasers to quantify heat and mass transport constants in reactive systems. Specifically, this talk will provide a survey on leveraging the analytical nature of laser-source heating to determining the Arrhenius constants in reactive thin films. These reactive films are a class of materials spanning bimetallic multilayers as well as nanothermites that are known to ignite when exposed to external stimuli. Laser ignition sources provide a high throughput means to generate the statistical data necessary to measure their reactivity. Additionally, the changes in laser materials interactions for ultrashort pulses and their potential uses for understanding ignition in the presence of spallation events will be discussed.