OSE Seminar by Dr. Andreas Schmitt-Sody on Directed Energy Research at AFRL

Departmental News

Dr. Andreas Schmitt-Sody

Posted: March 24, 2025

Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025

Time: 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM

Location: CHTM Room 103 and Zoom

Speaker: Dr. Andreas Schmitt-Sody, UNM Alumnus and Deputy Chief Scientist, Directed Energy Directorate


Presenting current and ongoing research in the area of Directed Energy focused on lasers and photonics.


Dr. Schmitt-Sody graduated from the University of New Mexico in 2011 with a Ph.D. in Physics. His graduate research involved measuring small phase shifts with femtosecond laser metrology and developing femtosecond lasers for this purpose. Right after graduation, he joined AFRL as a National Research Council Post-doc. During the NRC tenure, Dr. Schmitt-Sody investigated the interaction of external electric fields with ultrashort pulse filament-generated plasmas. He continued his work as a Research Physicist at AFRL Directed Energy Directorate to study RF emission from laser-produced plasmas. Currently, Dr. Schmitt-Sody is the Deputy Chief Scientist for Directed Energy at AFRL, serving as a focal point for several directorate-wide initiatives such as SBIR, the Post-Doctoral program, and other collaborative research programs.