Ganesh Balakrishnan
Compound semiconductor based optoelectronics and novel epitaxial processes
Ganesh Balakrishnan was the technical director of the Integrated Nanomaterials core facility at the California Nano- Systems Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles from 2007 to 2008. He was responsible for conducting III-V optoelectronic, III-V/silicon integration and nanotechnology research. Prior to 2007 he was a postdoctoral researcher at UNM’s Center for High Technology Materials, where he worked extensively on the epitaxial development of antimonide semiconductors on GaAs and silicon substrates. His accomplishments during that time included the first demonstration of communication wavelength laser diodes on Si substrate and the longest wavelength diode lasers on GaAs (up to 2 µm). His present research interests include III-V based optoelectronics, including epitaxy, characterization, microscopy and device fabrication with a focus on lasers. Dr. Balakrishnan has produced 25 publications in peer reviewed journals, with five more publications currently in review. He has made 13 conference presentations as a speaker and 31 conference presentations as a contributing author, and he chaired conference sessions at the Electronics Materials Conference 2007 and the North American MBE conference (NAMBE) 2007. He has filed for seven patents, with three converted and four in provisional stage.