Tara Drake

Assistant Professor
Physics and Astronomy
- Email:
- drakete@unm.edu
- Phone:
- 505.277.2616
- Personal website
Ph.D., Univ. of Colorado, 2015
Our current focus is on "microcombs" -- optical frequency combs formed in dielectric microring resonators via cascaded four-wave mixing. Microcombs are key components in compact optical atomic clocks and optical synthesizers, on-chip spectrometers, and integrated quantum systems.
Besides developing microcombs for novel applications, we also study the rich array of nonlinear processes within our microresonators which lead to exotic phenomena such as self-organizing soliton crystals and laser cooling of light.
Awards and Honors
2020 Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award/2-Photon Optical Clock Collaboration, The Optical Society
2020 Women in STEM Award, University of New Mexico
2016 NRC-NAS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO